debit |
an amount of money taken out of or owed on an account, or the record of that amount. [2 definitions] |
debris |
scattered pieces left after something has been destroyed. |
debt |
something owed to another person. [2 definitions] |
debtor |
a person who owes a debt to another. |
debug |
(informal) to find and remove mistakes or flaws from. [2 definitions] |
debut |
a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film. [2 definitions] |
Dec. |
abbreviation of "December." |
decade |
a unit of time equal to ten years. |
decagon |
a figure with ten sides and ten angles. |
decal |
a design or picture on specially prepared paper. Decals can be transferred from the paper to glass, metal, or other hard surfaces. |
decanter |
a pretty glass bottle with a stopper. A decanter is usually used to serve wine or liquor. |
decathlon |
an athletic contest made up of ten different track and field events. Each athlete takes part in all ten events, over a period of two days. |
decay |
to rot or become rotted. [4 definitions] |
deceased |
no longer alive; dead. [2 definitions] |
deceit |
the act of lying or cheating. [2 definitions] |
deceive |
to cause to believe something that is not true; trick or fool. |
December |
the twelfth month of the year. December has thirty-one days. Winter begins in December for people who live north of the equator. |
decent |
proper or suitable. [3 definitions] |
deception |
the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true. |
decibel |
a unit used to measure the loudness of sound. (abbreviated: dB) |
decide |
to settle, choose, or solve. [3 definitions] |