decimal |
pertaining to the number ten or to tenths. [5 definitions] |
decimal point |
a period placed before the numerator in a decimal fraction. |
decipher |
to convert from a coded form to ordinary language; decode. [2 definitions] |
decision |
the act of deciding, or the judgement, choice, or resolution that one has come to after considering a matter. [2 definitions] |
decisive |
having the power or character to make decisions or end disputes. [2 definitions] |
deck |
a horizontal platform or floor that extends from side to side of a ship and that may have other platforms above or below it. [6 definitions] |
declaration |
the act of declaring. [4 definitions] |
Declaration of Independence |
the public document by which the United States of America was declared to be free and independent of England in 1776. |
declarative sentence |
a sentence that makes a statement. There are many examples of declarative sentences, such as, "It is raining outside." |
declare |
to proclaim or formally announce (the fact of something happening or existing). [7 definitions] |
declare war on |
to formally state an intention to wage war against. [2 definitions] |
decline |
to refuse in a civil or polite way (to do or to give something). [10 definitions] |
decode |
to convert (a coded message) into ordinary language; decipher. [2 definitions] |
decompose |
to break down (a substance) into simpler compounds or component elements. [3 definitions] |
decorate |
to make more attractive or interesting by adding ornamental items or designs. [5 definitions] |
decoration |
an act, process, or technique of decorating. [3 definitions] |
decorative |
adding to visual attractiveness; ornamental. |
decoy |
something or someone used to lure, entice, or misdirect, as into danger or a trap, esp. an artificial bird or animal used to lure live birds or animals within gunshot or into a trap. [3 definitions] |
decrease |
to become less in number, amount, size, strength, or the like; diminish. [4 definitions] |
decree |
an official and authoritative order or decision, esp. by a ruler or government. [3 definitions] |
dedicate |
to set apart or declare to be for a special use or purpose, as a worthy cause, public benefit, or sacred activities. [5 definitions] |