decompose |
to decay. |
decorate |
to make more beautiful by adding decorations or designs. [2 definitions] |
decoration |
an act of decorating. [3 definitions] |
decorative |
adding to how attractive a thing is visually. |
decoy |
something used to attract animals or people into danger. Wooden decoys in the shape of birds or animals are often used by hunters to lead animals into a trap. [2 definitions] |
decrease |
to become less or smaller. [4 definitions] |
decree |
an official order or decision by a ruler or government. [2 definitions] |
dedicate |
to set apart for a special use or purpose. [5 definitions] |
dedication |
the ceremony of opening something newly built, such as a building, a park, or a ship. [2 definitions] |
deduct |
to subtract from another amount or sum. |
deduction |
something that is subtracted or deducted. [3 definitions] |
deed |
an act or action. [2 definitions] |
deep |
having great space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back; not shallow. [7 definitions] |
deepen |
to make or become deep or deeper. |
deeply |
in a strong and serious way; intensely. |
deer |
a mammal with short fur, long legs, and a long neck. Deer have hooves on their feet and can run very fast. The males of most kinds of deer grow and shed antlers every year. Deer are herbivores that chew their cud. Caribou, elk, moose, reindeer, and white-tailed deer are all kinds of deer. |
deface |
to damage the surface or appearance of. |
defeat |
to win a victory over; beat in a game or battle. [4 definitions] |
defect |
a weakness, flaw, or bad quality. |
defective |
having a flaw or defect; not perfect. |
defence |
a spelling of "defense" used in Canada and Britain. See "defense" for more information. |