deeply |
in a strong and serious way; intensely. |
deer |
any of a family of large, swift, hoofed mammals, such as the white-tailed deer or the reindeer, the males of which usu. have antlers that grow and are shed yearly. [2 definitions] |
deface |
to damage or deform the surface or appearance of; disfigure. [2 definitions] |
defeat |
to win a victory over; beat in a game, battle, or the like. [4 definitions] |
defect |
a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [3 definitions] |
defective |
having a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [2 definitions] |
defence |
a spelling of "defense" used in Canada and Britain. See "defense" for more information. |
defend |
to protect from harm, seizure, or intrusion; guard. [4 definitions] |
defendant |
one who is accused or sued in a court of law. (Cf. plaintiff.) [2 definitions] |
defense |
the act of defending. [7 definitions] |
defensive |
intended for defense or protection, or serving to defend or protect. [6 definitions] |
defer1 |
to put off until a later time or date; postpone. [3 definitions] |
defer2 |
to submit or yield to the desire, opinion, or judgment of another. |
defiance |
resistance against authority; insubordination; rebellion. [3 definitions] |
defiant |
characterized by a bold disregard or contempt for authority or opposition; refusing to obey. |
defiantly |
in a manner that shows a strong rejection of an idea or authority or an unwillingness to obey. |
deficiency |
the quality or condition of lacking something required; insufficiency or incompleteness. [2 definitions] |
deficient |
lacking some essential part, element, substance, or characteristic. [2 definitions] |
deficit |
an amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, esp. the amount by which income is less than expenses. |
define |
to explain or state the meaning of (a word or phrase). [4 definitions] |
definite |
clearly defined or fixed, as opposed to being undecided, undetermined, or general; precise; exact. [3 definitions] |