delicatessen |
a shop that sells cheese, cooked meats, and other food that is ready to eat. |
delicious |
having a pleasing taste or smell. |
delight |
great pleasure or joy. [4 definitions] |
delightful |
very pleasing; causing joy. |
delirious |
confused from a fever or other cause. [2 definitions] |
deliver |
to send or bring to a particular person or place. [5 definitions] |
delivery |
an act of bringing or sending something to a particular person or place. [2 definitions] |
delta |
the name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions] |
deluge |
a flood caused by a great amount of water. [4 definitions] |
delusion |
the act of causing someone to believe in something false or not real, or the belief in something false or not real. [2 definitions] |
demand |
to ask for forcefully; order. [6 definitions] |
demanding |
giving many, or too many, orders. [2 definitions] |
demerit |
a mark made on a person's record because of some fault or failure. |
Demeter |
the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres. |
democracy |
a form of government in which power rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives. [2 definitions] |
democrat |
a person who believes that government should be run by the people or that all people are equal. [2 definitions] |
democratic |
relating to or demonstrating the belief that all people should be treated equally. [3 definitions] |
Democratic Party |
one of the two major U.S. political parties. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
a country in Central Africa that is north of Angola and south of the Republic of the Congo. The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Kinshasa. |
demolish |
to tear down or destroy. |
demon |
an evil spirit; devil. [2 definitions] |