deserve |
to be qualified for or worthy of; merit. [2 definitions] |
design |
to make or draw plans for, esp. the structure or form of. [11 definitions] |
designate |
to distinguish by means of description, marks, name, or the like; specify. [5 definitions] |
designated hitter |
in the American League in baseball, a team member chosen at the beginning of a game to bat in place of the pitcher. |
designer |
a person who plans and creates designs for any of various artistic or commercial works. [2 definitions] |
desirable |
of a thing or person, having characteristics that are attractive, prized, or valuable and thus causing a wish to have possession or the opportunity for use. [3 definitions] |
desire |
to want or crave; yearn for. [5 definitions] |
desk |
a piece of furniture, usu. having a flat surface and drawers, used for reading and writing. [3 definitions] |
desktop |
the flat, upper working surface of a desk. [4 definitions] |
desktop publishing |
the creation and preparation of text and graphics for publishing using small computers. |
desolate |
without those things necessary or desirable for life; bleak; barren. [6 definitions] |
despair |
the state of being completely without hope. [3 definitions] |
desperate |
having no regard for danger as the result of hopelessness or great need. [4 definitions] |
desperation |
the feeling or condition of someone or something that is desperate. |
despise |
to hate or feel contempt for. |
despite |
notwithstanding; regardless of. [3 definitions] |
dessert |
a sweet or fruit served as the last course of a meal. |
destination |
the planned end of a journey, or the place to which goods or baggage are sent. [2 definitions] |
destine |
to specify for or send toward a particular place, end, or purpose. [2 definitions] |
destiny |
that which has happened or must happen to someone or something because of fate or luck. [3 definitions] |
destitute |
having no money or other means of living; impoverished. [2 definitions] |