desire |
to want or wish for. [3 definitions] |
desk |
a piece of furniture with drawers and a flat surface used for reading and writing. [2 definitions] |
desktop |
the flat, upper working surface of a desk. [2 definitions] |
desktop publishing |
the creation and preparation of text and graphics for publishing using small computers. |
desolate |
without the things that are necessary or desirable for life. [3 definitions] |
despair |
the complete lack of hope. [2 definitions] |
desperate |
not caring about danger because of great need. [3 definitions] |
desperation |
the feeling or condition of being desperate or without hope. |
despise |
to hate or scorn. |
despite |
in spite of; regardless of. |
dessert |
a sweet food served at the end of a meal. |
destination |
the place to which a person is going or goods or baggage are sent. |
destine |
to assign to or send toward a particular place, end, or purpose. [2 definitions] |
destiny |
that which has happened or must happen to someone because of fate or luck. |
destitute |
having no money or other means of living. |
destroy |
to ruin completely. |
destroyer |
a small, fast warship. |
destruction |
the act of ruining completely or destroying. [2 definitions] |
destructive |
causing complete ruin or destruction. |
detach |
to separate from a whole. |
detail |
a small item; a particular. [3 definitions] |