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devote to give (one's time or attention) to a purpose (usu. fol. by "to"). [3 definitions]
devoted showing or feeling great attachment; ardent. [2 definitions]
devotion great attachment; strong affection. [3 definitions]
devour to eat or swallow greedily. [4 definitions]
devout earnestly devoted to religion; pious. [3 definitions]
dew water droplets that collect, usu. at night, on cool surfaces. [3 definitions]
dewlap a drooping fold of skin below the neck in some animals such as cattle or dogs.
dexterity grace and easy quickness in using the hands or body; skill. [2 definitions]
diabetes any of several metabolic diseases affecting the body's use of blood sugars or the intake and excretion of fluids, such as diabetes mellitus, which requires periodic injections of insulin.
diabetic of, having, or resulting from diabetes. [2 definitions]
diabolic of the Devil or a devil.
diagnosis the act or process of finding out the nature of an illness or injury by examining its signs and symptoms. [4 definitions]
diagonal lying in a slanting or oblique position. [5 definitions]
diagram a drawing, plan, or chart that makes clear the parts or workings of something. [4 definitions]
dial a disk or plate, usu. with numbers and a pointer indicating gradations of a measure such as speed, pressure, or the like. [8 definitions]
dialect a variety of a language that is peculiar to a region, social class, or occupation and that differs from the standard language in pronunciation, usage, and vocabulary. [2 definitions]
dialing code (chiefly British) the digits at the beginning of a telephone number that signify one of a country's telephone districts; area code.
dialog box a window generated by a computer program that appears on the screen to ask for information from the person using the computer.
dialogue talk between two or more people or between characters in a play, film, novel, or the like. [5 definitions]
dial tone the steady hum or buzzing sound in a telephone receiver indicating that the line is open and a number may be dialed.
diameter in geometry, a straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and having its ends on the circumference or surface. [3 definitions]