diaper |
a baby's undergarment of absorbent cloth or paper folded between the legs and fastened at the waist. [2 definitions] |
diaphragm |
in anatomy, a wall of muscle or membranous material separating two spaces, esp. the muscle wall separating the thorax and abdomen in mammals. [5 definitions] |
diarrhea |
an intestinal condition characterized by frequent and watery bowel movements. |
diary |
a daily record, esp. of a person's experiences, reflections, and private thoughts. [3 definitions] |
dice |
small cubes with dots on each side numbering one to six, often used in pairs for board games and games of chance. [4 definitions] |
dictate |
to state or order with authoritative force; prescribe definitely. [6 definitions] |
dictator |
a ruler who has supreme and total authority, esp. one who has seized power or who uses it harshly or selfishly. [3 definitions] |
dictionary |
a reference work that contains a list of words of a particular language, usu. in alphabetical order and supplemented with information about the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning of each word. [3 definitions] |
did |
past tense of do1. |
didn't |
contracted form of "did not." |
die1 |
to stop living; become dead. [4 definitions] |
die2 |
an instrument used for forming, cutting, or stamping material such as metal or plastic. [3 definitions] |
diesel engine |
a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat. |
diet1 |
the food and drink ordinarily consumed by a person, animal, or group of such. [6 definitions] |
dietitian |
a person who specializes in diet as it relates to nutrition and health. |
differ |
to not be the same as; be unlike. [3 definitions] |
difference |
the condition of differing; unlikeness. [5 definitions] |
different |
not the same; unlike. [4 definitions] |
differently |
in another or new way. [2 definitions] |
difficult |
hard to accomplish or understand. [3 definitions] |
difficulty |
the quality or condition of being difficult. [6 definitions] |