disagree |
to differ in opinion. [3 definitions] |
disagreeable |
causing dislike; not pleasant. [2 definitions] |
disagreement |
a difference of opinion. [2 definitions] |
disappear |
to be no longer seen. [2 definitions] |
disappearance |
the act of disappearing or the fact of having disappeared. |
disappoint |
to fail to do or give something expected or hoped for. |
disappointed |
unhappy because what one hoped for did not happen or because something is not as good as one expected. |
disappointing |
not being as good as one expected or wished for. |
disappointment |
the act of disappointing. [3 definitions] |
disapprove |
to have a low opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by "of"). |
disaster |
a sudden event causing much damage or suffering. [2 definitions] |
disbelief |
a condition of being unable or not willing to believe. |
disc1 |
another spelling of disk. |
disc2 |
any thin, flat, round object, or one that appears flat and round. [3 definitions] |
discard |
to throw out or away; cast off. |
discharge |
to shoot or fire off. [6 definitions] |
disciple |
one who follows a leader or teacher; pupil. [2 definitions] |
discipline |
training of the body or mind to bring about good performance and good behavior. [7 definitions] |
disc jockey |
a person whose job is to play recorded music on the radio or for an event such as a dance. |
disclose |
to make known; tell. [2 definitions] |
disco |
a place for dancing to recorded music. [2 definitions] |