disappointment |
the act of disappointing. [3 definitions] |
disapprove |
to hold an unfavorable opinion (often fol. by "of"). [3 definitions] |
disaster |
a sudden calamity, esp. one causing widespread damage or suffering such as an earthquake, flood, oil spill, or fire. [2 definitions] |
disbelief |
a lack of belief; refusal or unwillingness to believe. |
disc1 |
a phonograph record. [2 definitions] |
disc2 |
any thin, flat, circular object, or one that appears flat and circular. [4 definitions] |
discard |
to throw out or away; cast off. [5 definitions] |
discharge |
to shoot or emit. [17 definitions] |
disciple |
a pupil, adherent, or follower. [2 definitions] |
discipline |
training of the body or mind to bring about desired results, particularly orderliness and obedience. [7 definitions] |
disc jockey |
one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue. |
disclose |
to make known; reveal. [2 definitions] |
disco |
a nightclub for dancing, usu. to recorded music; discotheque. [4 definitions] |
discomfort |
uneasiness, pain, or distress of mind or body. [3 definitions] |
disconnect |
to break off or interrupt the connection of or between. [3 definitions] |
discontented |
dissatisfied or restlessly unhappy; not contented. |
discontinue |
to stop or put an end to. [5 definitions] |
discord |
lack of agreement or harmony among persons or things; disagreement; conflict. [3 definitions] |
discount |
to deduct (an amount or percentage) from a cost or price. [12 definitions] |
discourage |
to cause to lose hope or confidence; dishearten. [3 definitions] |
discourteous |
not having or showing good manners; impolite; rude. |