discontented |
not satisfied or content; unhappy. |
discontinue |
to stop or put an end to. |
discord |
lack of agreement or harmony among people or things; conflict. [2 definitions] |
discount |
to take away from a cost or price. [3 definitions] |
discourage |
to cause to lose hope or confidence. [2 definitions] |
discourteous |
not having or showing good manners; not polite; rude. |
discover |
to find or see before anyone else. [2 definitions] |
discovery |
the act of discovering. [2 definitions] |
discriminate |
to judge or treat someone unfairly because he or she belongs to a particular group or category of people (usually followed by "against"). [2 definitions] |
discrimination |
the act of seeing or sensing differences between things. [2 definitions] |
discus |
a disk made of wood with a metal rim, thrown for distance by some track and field athletes. [2 definitions] |
discuss |
to talk together about. [2 definitions] |
discussion |
the act or an instance of talking or writing about something. |
disease |
a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness. |
disfavor |
an opinion that is not favorable; dislike or disapproval. |
disfigure |
to damage the appearance or shape of. |
disgrace |
loss of respect, honor, or favor; shame. [3 definitions] |
disguise |
to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition. [4 definitions] |
disgust |
to cause strong dislike or illness in. [2 definitions] |
disgusted |
feeling or showing very intense and immediate disapproval. This intense emotion can make a person angry or even feel sick because of how bad he or she feels that something is. |
disgusting |
causing disgust. |