disfavor |
unfavorable regard or opinion; displeasure or disapproval. [4 definitions] |
disfigure |
to mar the appearance or shape of. |
disgrace |
the state of being in disrespect, dishonor, or disfavor; shame. [3 definitions] |
disguise |
to change or hide the features of, in order to prevent recognition. [5 definitions] |
disgust |
to cause nausea or revulsion in; sicken; repel. [3 definitions] |
disgusted |
feeling or showing disgust; having or showing a strong feeling of loathing or disapproval. |
disgusting |
causing disgust; repulsive; sickening. |
dish |
a container for serving or holding food, usu. open and somewhat flat. [6 definitions] |
disheveled |
undone and loosely hanging; unkempt. [2 definitions] |
dish it out |
to deliver (criticism, abuse, or the like) strongly. |
dishonest |
inclined to lie, steal, or cheat; not honest or trustworthy. [2 definitions] |
dishonor |
loss of honor or reputation. [5 definitions] |
dish out |
(informal) to give out; distribute. |
dishtowel |
a towel used to dry dishes. |
dish up |
to put (food) into a dish in order to serve. [2 definitions] |
dishwasher |
one who washes dishes, esp. as an occupation. [2 definitions] |
disillusion |
to free or deprive of false beliefs or hopes; destroy the illusions of (someone). [2 definitions] |
disinfect |
to cleanse in order to prevent or remove the causes of infection. |
disinfectant |
any chemical substance that destroys infection-causing organisms. [2 definitions] |
disintegrate |
to come apart; break down into component parts or fragments. [3 definitions] |
disinterested |
not biased or influenced by self-interest; impartial. [2 definitions] |