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distinct clearly different or set apart; separate (often fol. by "from"). [4 definitions]
distinction a mark or feature that distinguishes or sets apart; difference. [3 definitions]
distinctive serving to set apart or mark as distinct or unusual.
distinguish to correctly discern the identity of (each of two or more things) by recognizing how they are different (often fol. by "from"). [5 definitions]
distinguished marked by excellence or renown; eminent. [2 definitions]
distort to twist out of shape; deform the appearance or functioning of. [2 definitions]
distract to divert the attention of. [2 definitions]
distress physical or emotional stress or suffering, or anything that causes suffering. [4 definitions]
distribute to divide into parts and give out to each of several people, groups, or the like. [3 definitions]
distribution the act of distributing. [6 definitions]
distributive property in mathematics, a characteristic of numbers that allows you to multiply a group of numbers and get the same answer you would get if you multiplied each member of the group and then combined the answers. For example, 4 x (8 + 1 + 5) is equal to (4 x 8) + (4 x 1) + (4 x 5).
district a specific area characterized by its use for a particular purpose. [3 definitions]
District of Columbia a federal area on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that encompasses only the U.S. capital city of Washington. (abbr.: DC)
distrust to lack faith or confidence in; be suspicious of. [2 definitions]
disturb to bother or interrupt by making noise or causing distraction. [3 definitions]
disturbance an act or instance of disturbing. [5 definitions]
ditch a long narrow trench that provides a waterway for drainage or irrigation or a receptacle for something to be buried in, such as sewer pipes or electric power lines. [7 definitions]
ditto the same as said or written before; the aforesaid. [5 definitions]
dive to plunge or swoop downward rapidly, usu. headfirst. [12 definitions]
diver one who performs dives into water from a springboard or platform, esp. in competition. [3 definitions]
diverse of various types or sorts; assorted. [3 definitions]