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dive to plunge or move downward rapidly, usually head or front first. [5 definitions]
diver a person who dives into water from a board or platform. [2 definitions]
diverse of different kinds or sorts. [2 definitions]
diversion an act or instance of turning aside. [2 definitions]
diversity the state or condition of being diverse. [2 definitions]
divert to turn aside or away from something. [3 definitions]
divide to separate into parts. [5 definitions]
dividend the number to be divided by another number in math equations. [2 definitions]
divine of, from, or having to do with a god or gods. [2 definitions]
diving the activity or sport of jumping into water with your head and arms going first.
diving board a springy board that is fixed to a stand and reaches out over water, used for diving.
divisible able to be divided into equal parts without anything left over.
division the act of dividing or separating into parts. [6 definitions]
division sign a mathematical sign made up of a small horizontal line with one dot above it and one dot below it ( ÷ ). It indicates that the number coming before it is to be divided by the number coming after it.
divisor the number in an arithmetic problem by which another number is to be divided.
divorce the ending of a marriage as recognized by law. [3 definitions]
divorced no longer married because of divorce, a legal process that ends a marriage.
dizzy having a feeling of spinning around and being about to lose one's balance. [4 definitions]
DJ a person who plays recorded music and makes announcements or comments on the radio or at an event.
Djibouti an East African country bordered by Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The capital of Djibouti is also called Djibouti.
DMV the government office of each state that issues drivers' licenses and makes driving regulations. "DMV" is an abbreviation of "Department of Motor Vehicles."