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dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction. [5 definitions]
dodo a large bird, now extinct, with wings so small that it could not fly. Dodos were once found on islands in the Indian Ocean.
doe an adult female deer, goat, or rabbit. Adult females of some similar animals are also called does.
does a present tense of do1.
doesn't shortened form of "does not."
dog a furry animal with four legs, a pointed nose, and a tail. Their sharp teeth and claws are good for hunting small animals as food, but they also sometimes eat plant food. Dogs are mammals, closely related to coyotes, foxes, and wolves. There are many kinds or breeds of dogs, with a wide range of sizes and appearances. Some dogs are bred for special jobs, such as herding sheep. Dogs are often kept as pets. [2 definitions]
Dog Star the brightest star in the sky. The Dog Star is in the constellation Canis Major and is also called Sirius.
dogwood a tree that has groups of small flowers surrounded by pink or white leaves that look like petals.
doily a small mat, often made of embroidered cloth, lace, or paper that looks like lace. Doilies are used to decorate or protect furniture and dishes.
do-it-yourself for use by people without particular skills in building or repair.
doll a toy made to look like a baby, child, or other person.
dollar the main unit of money in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. One dollar is equal to one hundred cents. [2 definitions]
dolphin a mammal that lives in the water. Dolphins look like large fish but they breathe air. They have teeth and a snout that looks like a beak. Most kinds of dolphins live in the ocean. A few kinds live in large rivers in Asia and South America. Dolphins are closely related to porpoises and other toothed whales.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government. [2 definitions]
dome a rounded roof or ceiling on a room or building.
domestic of or related to the home or family. [3 definitions]
domesticate to bring (animals) under the control of humans so that they can live near humans and be pets or working animals.
domesticated of animals, made suited to the needs of humans and living close to humans rather than in the wild. [2 definitions]
dominant most powerful; ruling or controlling. [2 definitions]
dominate to control by the use of power; rule. [2 definitions]
Dominica an island country in the West Indies. The capital of Dominica is Roseau.