Dominica |
an island country in the West Indies. |
Dominican Republic |
a country that occupies the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies. (Cf. Haiti.) |
dominion |
the power or authority to govern or control; sovereignty. [3 definitions] |
Dominion Day |
see "Canada Day." |
domino1 |
one of a set of small, flat, rectangular game pieces, the faces of which bear different numbers of dots. [2 definitions] |
don2 |
to put on (an article of clothing); dress oneself in. [2 definitions] |
donate |
to give or contribute (something), as to a cause, charity, or group effort. [2 definitions] |
donation |
the act or an instance of giving or contributing, as to a cause. [2 definitions] |
done |
past participle of do1. [4 definitions] |
done for |
(informal) dying or dead; doomed. [2 definitions] |
done in |
(informal) extremely tired, physically or mentally; exhausted. |
donkey |
a sturdy domestic animal that resembles a horse but is smaller and has longer ears; ass. [3 definitions] |
donor |
one who gives, contributes, or donates something such as money to an organization, fund, or the like. [2 definitions] |
don't |
contracted form of "do not." |
donut |
variant of doughnut. |
doodle |
to draw or scribble aimlessly or absentmindedly. [3 definitions] |
doom |
fate or destiny, esp. that of destruction or death. [5 definitions] |
door |
an opening, esp. in a room or building, through which one enters or leaves; entryway. [5 definitions] |
doorbell |
a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission. |
doorknob |
a rounded handle or knob used to open and close a door. |
doorstep |
a step or series of steps leading up to an outside door. |