drama |
a theatrical work, esp. one that is serious rather than primarily comedic in nature; play. [5 definitions] |
dramatic |
of, pertaining to, or possessing drama. [3 definitions] |
dramatize |
to depict in the form of a drama. [2 definitions] |
drank |
past tense of drink. |
drape |
to arrange (clothing, curtains, or other fabric) in attractive folds. [6 definitions] |
drapery |
loosely hanging clothing or other cloth. [3 definitions] |
drastic |
severe or extreme; radical. [2 definitions] |
draw |
to move by pulling or dragging. [19 definitions] |
draw a blank |
to be unable to recall or recognize. [2 definitions] |
drawback |
an impediment to the success or desirability of something; negative feature; flaw. |
drawbridge |
a bridge built so that it can be raised or moved in order to either allow tall ships to pass beneath or restrict passage. |
drawer |
a sliding traylike compartment in a piece of furniture. [3 definitions] |
drawing |
the act of making pictures or designs with a writing instrument such as a pencil. [3 definitions] |
drawl |
to pronounce or speak slowly, esp. with vowel sounds greatly lengthened. [2 definitions] |
drawn |
past participle of draw. [2 definitions] |
draw out |
to prolong. [2 definitions] |
draw straws |
to choose one person from several by having each choose a partly concealed straw, with the shortest straw indicating the chosen person. |
drawstring |
a cord or the like that is drawn through a sewn channel in fabric and pulled so as to tighten or close an opening, as of pants, a bag, or the like. |
draw the line |
to set a limit on what is allowed. |
draw up |
to draft; formulate. [2 definitions] |
dread |
to be very afraid of or deeply apprehensive about. [7 definitions] |