dress rehearsal |
the last full rehearsal of a play or other production before performance, done in full costume. |
dress up |
to dress in fancy or formal clothes. [2 definitions] |
drew |
past tense of "draw." |
dribble |
to drip or flow slowly in drops. [3 definitions] |
dried |
having had all the water or moisture removed. [2 definitions] |
drier2 |
a comparative of "dry." |
drift |
the act of drifting. [5 definitions] |
driftwood |
wood that has been left upon a beach by water or is floating on water. |
drill1 |
a tool with a shaft that has sharp cutting edges and is turned at a high speed to make holes in wood, metal, and other materials. [4 definitions] |
drink |
to swallow a liquid. [6 definitions] |
drip |
to flow downward in drops. [4 definitions] |
drive |
to cause to move by force; push. [11 definitions] |
drive-in |
an outdoor theater at which people watch movies on a very large screen while sitting in their cars. [2 definitions] |
driven |
past participle of "drive." [3 definitions] |
driver |
someone who drives. |
drivethrough |
a window at which customers can do business with an establishment without getting out of their cars. A drive-through also consists of a special lane or lanes for the cars to access the window and to exit after completion of business. [3 definitions] |
driveway |
a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage. |
driving |
moving forward or going continuously with great force or excitement. [2 definitions] |
drizzle |
to rain in light drops. [2 definitions] |
dromedary |
a camel from northern Africa and the Middle East. Dromedaries have one hump. |
drone1 |
a male honeybee or other male bee whose only known function is to mate with the queen bee. [2 definitions] |