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drizzle to rain in light drops. [2 definitions]
dromedary a camel from northern Africa and the Middle East. Dromedaries have one hump.
drone1 a male honeybee or other male bee whose only known function is to mate with the queen bee. [2 definitions]
drone2 to make a low, steady hum. [3 definitions]
drool to let saliva run from the mouth.
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
drop a small amount of liquid, usually with a round shape. [9 definitions]
drop off to fall asleep.
drop out to quit; stop participating.
drought a long period with little or no rain.
drove1 past tense of "drive."
drove2 a group of animals gathered into a herd or flock and made to move along together. [2 definitions]
drown to die from lack of air as the result of being under water. [2 definitions]
drown out to cover up the sound of with a louder sound.
drowsy nearly asleep; very sleepy.
drudgery hard, boring, and unpleasant work.
drug a substance used to cure or heal; medicine. [3 definitions]
druggist a person who has a license to prepare and sell medicine; pharmacist.
drugstore a store that sells medicine. Drugstores often also sell candy, cosmetics, magazines, and other things.
drum a percussion instrument shaped like a cylinder. A drum has a hollow body covered at one or both ends by a tight material. It is played by beating with sticks or the hands. [5 definitions]
drum major the leader of a marching band who beats time and often twirls a baton.