drought |
an unusually prolonged lack of rain. [2 definitions] |
drove1 |
past tense of drive. |
drove2 |
a group of animals driven, or gathered for driving, as a herd; flock. [3 definitions] |
drown |
to die from lack of oxygen as the result of submersion in a liquid, esp. water. [4 definitions] |
drown out |
to cover up the sound of with a louder sound. |
drowsy |
being on the point of falling asleep. [3 definitions] |
drudgery |
hard, boring, menial, or unpleasant work. |
drug |
a chemical substance used to cure or heal; medicine. [5 definitions] |
druggist |
one who is licensed to prepare and sell prescription drugs; pharmacist. |
drugstore |
in the United States, a store that sells prescription drugs, as well as other items such as vitamins, hair care products, cosmetics, candy, and magazines. |
drum |
any of various hollow musical percussion instruments consisting of a cylindrical body covered at one or both ends by a tight membrane, and played by beating with sticks or the hands. [10 definitions] |
drum major |
the leader of a marching band or drum corps, who beats time and often performs twirling tricks with a baton. |
drum majorette |
a female drum major. |
drummer |
a musician who plays drums. [2 definitions] |
drumstick |
a stick used to play a drum. [2 definitions] |
drunk |
feeling the debilitating and inhibition-reducing effects of alcohol; intoxicated. [6 definitions] |
dry |
free from wetness, dampness, or moisture. [14 definitions] |
dry cell |
an electric cell in which the electrolyte is in a paste, treated with an absorbent, or otherwise protected against spilling. |
dry-clean |
to clean (garments, drapes, or the like) using chemicals other than water. |
dry-cleaning |
a method of cleaning clothes that uses liquid chemicals instead of water. |
dryer |
a machine used for removing the moisture from something. |