drummer |
a musician who plays drums. |
drumstick |
a stick used to play a drum. [2 definitions] |
drunk |
having had too much alcohol to drink; intoxicated. [3 definitions] |
dry |
not wet, damp, or moist. [8 definitions] |
dry cell |
an electric battery cell in which the chemicals are stored as a paste that will not spill. |
dry-clean |
to clean using chemicals other than water. |
dry-cleaning |
a method of cleaning clothes that uses liquid chemicals instead of water. |
dryer |
a machine used for drying something. |
dual |
of or having two parts; double. |
duchess |
a woman who is married to or the widow of a duke. [2 definitions] |
duck1 |
a bird that lives in or near water and has webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [2 definitions] |
duck2 |
to lower the head or whole body quickly to avoid something. [3 definitions] |
duckling |
a young duck. |
duct |
a pipe or tube that carries air or liquid. |
dud |
(informal) something that does not work well or fails in some way. |
dude |
a person visiting a western U.S. ranch who is from the city or does not know much about ranch life. [2 definitions] |
due |
owed as a debt. [6 definitions] |
duel |
a formal, arranged fight between two people using guns or swords. [2 definitions] |
duet |
a piece of music written for or performed by two players or singers. |
dug1 |
past tense and past participle of "dig." |
dugout |
a hole in the ground used as a shelter for protection from storms or bombs. [3 definitions] |