duchess |
a woman who is married to or the widow of a duke. [2 definitions] |
duck1 |
any of numerous birds that live in and near water and have webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [3 definitions] |
duck2 |
to lower one's head or whole body quickly, so as to hide or to avoid a blow or contact with a moving object. [7 definitions] |
duckling |
an immature duck. |
duct |
a passage, such as a pipe or tube, through which something, esp. a liquid or gas, flows. [2 definitions] |
dud |
(informal) someone or something that functions poorly or fails in some regard. [3 definitions] |
dude |
(informal) a man who dresses in a showy manner and pays exceptional attention to his appearance; dandy. [3 definitions] |
due |
required as payment; owed as a debt or right. [7 definitions] |
duel |
a formal, arranged fight between two people, usu. with pistols or swords, to defend their honor or settle a conflict. [3 definitions] |
duet |
a piece of music written for or performed by two singers or instrumentalists. [2 definitions] |
dug1 |
the past tense and past participle of dig. |
dugout |
a hole in the ground used as a shelter, esp. for protection from bombs, storms, or the like. [3 definitions] |
duke |
a high-ranking male nobleman, the ruler of a duchy in Europe or ranked just below a prince in Britain, although, in Britain, a prince may also be a duke. [2 definitions] |
dull |
lacking in interest, originality, or liveliness; boring. [10 definitions] |
dumb |
unintelligent, or reflecting a lack of intelligent thinking; idiotic; stupid. [4 definitions] |
dumbbell |
a device consisting of two weights at either end of a short bar, used for muscular development by lifting. |
dummy |
an object made as a representation or imitation of another object, but without all the functions or qualities of the original. [8 definitions] |
dump |
to drop abruptly and in one single load. [10 definitions] |
dunce |
an unintelligent, foolish, or ignorant person. |
dune |
a mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind. |
dung |
solid excrement; feces, esp. nonhuman. [2 definitions] |