duplicate |
something that is an exact copy of something else. [4 definitions] |
durable |
not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy. |
duration |
the length of time during which something goes on. |
during |
throughout the entire time of. [2 definitions] |
dusk |
the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight. |
dust |
tiny, dry pieces of soil, dirt, or other material. [3 definitions] |
dustpan |
a flat pan shaped like a small shovel with an attached handle. It is usually made of metal or plastic. A dustpan is used for gathering up dust or dirt while sweeping with a broom. |
dust storm |
a storm of very strong winds that sweep up dust from the land. Dust storms can occur when the land has become very dry from lack of rain. |
dusty |
full of or covered with dust. [2 definitions] |
Dutch |
of or having to do with the Netherlands, or its people or language. [3 definitions] |
dutiful |
doing what is expected or required. |
duty |
something that a person should do because it is right or fair; responsibility. [4 definitions] |
dwarf |
in fairy tales and legends, a strange-looking little man, often with a beard, who has magical powers. [4 definitions] |
dwell |
to have one's home in; live or stay in. [2 definitions] |
dwelling |
a place where a person lives; home; house. |
dwindle |
to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink. |
dye |
a substance that is used to give color to cloth, hair, or other materials. [2 definitions] |
dying |
close to death; losing life. |
dynamic |
full of energy and strength; lively; active. |
dynamite |
a strong explosive. Dynamite has many uses, including blasting through rock to make roads, tunnels, and mines. [3 definitions] |
dynamo |
a machine that produces electric current. [2 definitions] |