eardrum |
a membrane that separates the middle ear from the outer ear and that vibrates when sound waves strike it. (See tympanic membrane.) |
earl |
a British nobleman who is ranked above a viscount and below a marquess. An earl is the British equivalent of a count. |
earlobe |
the fleshy lower part of the outer ear. |
early |
in the first stage of a time period. [10 definitions] |
earmuff |
one of a pair of protective pads joined by an adjustable headband and worn over the ears, as against cold. |
earn |
to receive in return for work or service. [4 definitions] |
earnest1 |
having or showing a serious intention or manner. [3 definitions] |
earnings |
money received as pay; wages. [2 definitions] |
earphone |
the part of a telephone, radio set, music player or the like that fits over or into the ear for receiving sound. |
earring |
an ornament worn on the earlobe. |
earth |
(often cap.) the fifth largest planet in the solar system, which is third in order from the sun and has a diameter of about 7,930 miles. [4 definitions] |
earthen |
composed of earth, soil, or dirt. [2 definitions] |
earthly |
pertaining to the earth as opposed to spiritual or heavenly realms; worldly. [2 definitions] |
earthquake |
a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, resulting from volcanic activity or the sudden release of tension along geologic fault lines. |
earth science |
any of the sciences, such as geology, geography, or meteorology, dealing with the origin, structure, and composition of the earth and its changes. |
earthworm |
any of various long segmented worms that burrow in soil and feed on decaying organic matter. |
ease |
the absence of pain, anxiety, or difficulty. [11 definitions] |
easel |
a free-standing frame for holding an artist's canvas, blackboard, or the like. |
easily |
without difficulty, stress, or pain. [2 definitions] |
east |
the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun. [7 definitions] |
Easter |
a yearly Christian festival that is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions] |