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early in the first stage of a time period. [10 definitions]
earmuff one of a pair of protective pads joined by an adjustable headband and worn over the ears, as against cold.
earn to receive in return for work or service. [4 definitions]
earnest1 having or showing a serious intention or manner. [3 definitions]
earnings money received as pay; wages. [2 definitions]
earphone the part of a telephone, radio set, music player or the like that fits over or into the ear for receiving sound.
earring an ornament worn on the earlobe.
earth (often cap.) the fifth largest planet in the solar system, which is third in order from the sun and has a diameter of about 7,930 miles. [4 definitions]
earthen composed of earth, soil, or dirt. [2 definitions]
earthly pertaining to the earth as opposed to spiritual or heavenly realms; worldly. [2 definitions]
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, resulting from volcanic activity or the sudden release of tension along geologic fault lines.
earth science any of the sciences, such as geology, geography, or meteorology, dealing with the origin, structure, and composition of the earth and its changes.
earthworm any of various long segmented worms that burrow in soil and feed on decaying organic matter.
ease the absence of pain, anxiety, or difficulty. [11 definitions]
easel a free-standing frame for holding an artist's canvas, blackboard, or the like.
easily without difficulty, stress, or pain. [2 definitions]
east the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun. [7 definitions]
Easter a yearly Christian festival that is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
easterly of, relating to, or toward the east. [3 definitions]
eastern situated in, directed towards, coming from, or relating to the east. [2 definitions]
easterner (often cap.) a native or inhabitant of an eastern area or region.