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easily without effort, pain, or trouble. [2 definitions]
east the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun. [7 definitions]
Easter a Christian holiday to celebrate that Jesus Christ returned to life after he died. Easter is held every spring on the Sunday after the first full moon between March 21 and April 25.
easterly of or toward the east. [3 definitions]
eastern in, to, from, or having to do with the east. [2 definitions]
easterner (often capitalized) a person living in an eastern area or region.
Eastern Hemisphere the half of the earth that contains Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.
Eastern Orthodox Church the modern group of Christian churches, such as the Russian and Greek Orthodox, that originated in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
East Germany a country in north central Europe from 1949 until 1990. East Germany and West Germany are now one country again, officially called the Federal Republic of Germany. East Germany was also called the German Democratic Republic.
East Indies a group of islands southeast of Asia that includes Indonesia; East India.
East Timor a country in Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the eastern part of the island of Timor. It shares this island with the country of Indonesia. The capital of East Timor is Dili.
eastward toward the east. [2 definitions]
easy not hard or difficult. [4 definitions]
eat to put into the mouth, chew, and swallow. [5 definitions]
eaten "Eaten" is the past participle of "eat."
eat one's words to admit that something one said was wrong; take back one's words.
eave (usually plural) the lower part of a roof that hangs out beyond the wall of a building.
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
ebb the flowing of the tide away from the land to the sea; ebb tide. [3 definitions]
ebony a hard black wood that comes from tropical Asian trees. [3 definitions]
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar. [2 definitions]