eco-friendly |
designed to cause minimal damage to the environment. |
ecological |
of or pertaining to ecology. |
ecology |
the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments. [2 definitions] |
economic |
of or pertaining to the production and distribution of goods, wealth, and services. [3 definitions] |
economical |
wasting little; thrifty; frugal. |
economics |
(used with a sing. verb) the systematic study of the production and distribution of goods and services. [2 definitions] |
economist |
a person who has expertise in the study of economics. |
economize |
to practice thrift; avoid wasteful expenditure; be economical. [2 definitions] |
economy |
the careful management of wealth, resources, and means of production. [5 definitions] |
ecosystem |
a community of living things that interact with each other for their survival, together with their surrounding environment. |
ecru |
a pale yellowish or grayish tan color. |
ecstasy |
an emotional state of intense pleasure or joy. [2 definitions] |
Ecuador |
a South American country on the Pacific coast between Colombia and Peru. |
-ed |
used to form the past tense and past participle of regular verbs. [3 definitions] |
eddy |
a small current of water, air, fog, dust, or the like that moves contrary to the main current, esp. rotating like a whirlpool. [2 definitions] |
Eden |
according to the Old Testament, the garden in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in a state of perfection; Garden of Eden; paradise. [2 definitions] |
edge |
a line where two surfaces converge. [10 definitions] |
edgewise |
with the edge forward or outward. [2 definitions] |
edgy |
irritably nervous or impatient; on edge. |
edible |
suitable or safe to be eaten as food. [2 definitions] |
edit |
to supervise the preparation of (material) for publication. [4 definitions] |