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efficient operating or working in a way that gets results, with little wasted effort.
effluent sewage or other liquid waste that flows into a body of water such as a river or lake.
effort the action of physical or mental energy. [2 definitions]
egg1 a cell in a female animal or in some kinds of plants that can develop into a new individual after it is fertilized. [2 definitions]
egg2 to urge or encourage to act (usually followed by "on").
eggplant a plant grown for its dark purple fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable. The fruit is often shaped like an egg or like a tube.
ego one's feeling about oneself, especially in comparison with other people. [2 definitions]
egocentric concerned with oneself.
egret a kind of heron that is usually white and grows a long plume of feathers in breeding season. There are several kinds of egrets.
Egypt a country in North Africa on the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Egypt is also called the Arab Republic of Egypt. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
Egyptian of or having to do with Egypt or its people. [3 definitions]
Eiffel Tower a tall tower made of iron constructed in Paris, France in 1889. It is a symbol of Paris and a popular tourist attraction.
eight the word for the number 8. [3 definitions]
eighteen the name for the number 18. [3 definitions]
eighteenth coming next after the seventeenth in a series. [3 definitions]
eighth coming next after the seventh in a series. [3 definitions]
eightieth coming next after the seventy-ninth in a series. [3 definitions]
eighty the word for the Arabic numeral 80 and for the Roman numeral LXXX. [3 definitions]
either one or the other of two. [5 definitions]
eject to throw out with force. [2 definitions]
elaborate planned or carried out with great care and attention to details. [2 definitions]