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elaborate planned or carried out with great care and attention to numerous parts or details. [5 definitions]
elapse to slip by or come to an end, as a period of time or something limited to a period of time. [2 definitions]
elastic capable of returning to its initial form after being stretched or deformed. [5 definitions]
elasticity the condition or quality of being elastic, as in texture. [3 definitions]
elbow the bend or joint between the human upper arm and forearm, or the bony projection at this bend. [6 definitions]
elder1 a comparative of "old." [7 definitions]
elderly aging or rather old.
eldest a superlative of "old."
elect to select through the process of voting. [8 definitions]
election the process of selecting a person for office by voting. [2 definitions]
electric of or pertaining to electricity. [4 definitions]
electrical electric.
electrician one who installs, maintains, repairs, or operates electrical equipment for a living.
electricity a physical phenomenon caused by the movement of certain charged particles such as electrons, esp. between points having different electrical charges, and seen in naturally occurring phenomena such as lightning and magnetic attraction and repulsion. [4 definitions]
electrocute to kill by electricity, esp. to execute (a condemned prisoner) by electricity, as in an electric chair.
electrode a solid conductor through which an electric current enters or exits from an electric or electronic device. [2 definitions]
electromagnet a magnet in which an iron or steel core is magnetized by the electric current in the coil of insulated wire wound around it.
electron a negatively charged particle, considered a fundamental unit of matter, that exists independently or outside the nucleus of an atom.
electronic of or relating to devices, circuits, or systems based on electronics. [2 definitions]
electronic mail messages typed into a computer terminal and sent via telephone cable to another terminal.
electronics (used with a sing. verb) the science that is concerned with the flow of electrons in various physical media, and with their properties and uses. [2 definitions]