elbow |
the bend or joint between the upper arm and the lower arm. [3 definitions] |
elder1 |
born earlier; older. [2 definitions] |
elderly |
old or aging. |
eldest |
born first; oldest. |
elect |
to choose by means of voting. [2 definitions] |
election |
the process of choosing a person for office by voting. |
electric |
of or having to do with electricity. [3 definitions] |
electrical |
having to do with electricity; electric. |
electrician |
one whose job is to install or repair electrical equipment. |
electricity |
energy caused by the movement of electrons through matter. [3 definitions] |
electrocute |
to kill by electricity. |
electrode |
a part of an electric or electronic device. An electrode allows electric current to enter or leave a device such as a battery. |
electromagnet |
an iron or steel core with wire wound around it. It becomes magnetic when an electric current is passed through the wire. |
electron |
a very small particle that moves outside the nucleus of an atom. Electrons have a negative charge. |
electronic |
having to do with devices, equipment, or systems that use electricity in complex ways while employing very tiny parts. [2 definitions] |
electronic mail |
a written message sent between people from a computer in one location to a computer in another location; e-mail. |
electronics |
(used with a singular verb) the science that is concerned with the flow of electrons and their uses. |
elegant |
fine or rich in quality. |
element |
a part of any whole. [4 definitions] |
elementary |
having to do with the most basic or simplest parts of something. [2 definitions] |
elementary school |
a school for the first six to eight years of a child's education. |