email |
the practice or system by which written messages are sent from one computer to another; electronic mail. [4 definitions] |
emancipate |
to free from slavery or other control. |
embankment |
a mound of earth or stone made to support a road or protect an area from water. |
embargo |
a government order that restricts trade or the shipment of goods. [2 definitions] |
embark |
to board a ship when beginning a trip. [2 definitions] |
embarrass |
to make uncomfortable or ill at ease. |
embarrassed |
feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others. |
embarrassing |
causing a feeling of emotional discomfort or shame, often making one's face become red or one's cheeks to feel hot, or causing one to wish to hide from others. |
embarrassment |
the condition of being made uncomfortable or ashamed. [2 definitions] |
embassy |
an ambassador and his or her staff. [2 definitions] |
embed |
to set firmly in some surrounding material. |
ember |
a small piece of glowing wood or coal in a dying fire. |
embezzle |
to steal what was put in one's care. |
emblem |
an object that stands for something; symbol. |
embody |
to put in a form that can be seen; make real. |
emboss |
to raise or represent in relief (a surface design). [2 definitions] |
embrace |
to hold closely in one's arms; hug. [3 definitions] |
embroider |
to make or decorate with needlework. [2 definitions] |
embroidery |
the art or result of sewing designs on cloth; needlework. |
embryo |
an animal or plant that is just starting to develop. An embryo grows inside an egg, a seed, or its mother. |
emerald |
a clear green stone that is used in jewelry. [2 definitions] |