emperor |
the male ruler of an empire. |
emphasis |
special importance. [2 definitions] |
emphasize |
to give particular attention to; stress. |
empire |
a group of nations or peoples under one ruler or government. |
employ |
to make use of; use. [2 definitions] |
employee |
someone who works for a person or business in return for pay. |
employer |
a person or business that pays others to work. |
employment |
an instance or act of employing. [3 definitions] |
empower |
to give legal rights or authority to. [2 definitions] |
empowerment |
the act of granting rights or legal authority to people within a society. [2 definitions] |
empress |
the female ruler of an empire. [2 definitions] |
empty |
holding or containing nothing; without the usual contents. [7 definitions] |
emu |
a large bird with long legs that runs very fast but can not fly. Emus live in Australia. |
enable |
to give means or power to; make able; allow. |
enact |
to make into a law. [2 definitions] |
enamel |
a smooth, shiny coating baked onto metal, glass, or pottery. Enamel is used for protection or decoration. [4 definitions] |
-ence |
a suffix that means "condition" or "quality." [2 definitions] |
enchant |
to put under a magic spell; bewitch. [2 definitions] |
enchanting |
very likeable; charming; enjoyable. |
enchantment |
a magic charm or spell; an instance of casting a spell. |
encircle |
to form a circle around; surround. |