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encyclopedia a book or set of books containing articles on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject, usu. arranged in alphabetical order.
end either extreme point of anything that has length. [18 definitions]
endanger to cause to be exposed to danger. [2 definitions]
endangered exposed to danger. [2 definitions]
endangered species a species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.
endeavor to make an earnest effort; strive. [2 definitions]
ending the last part; conclusion, esp. of a narrative or dramatic plot. [2 definitions]
endless being or seeming boundless; infinite; limitless. [3 definitions]
endorse to approve or give support to. [2 definitions]
endow to give a permanent income, source of income, or property to. [2 definitions]
end up to arrive at a place or enter into a situation or course of action as the final choice or final outcome.
endurance the act, condition, or capacity of functioning under prolonged stress. [2 definitions]
endure to bear up under or function in spite of. [4 definitions]
enemy one who acts with or feels hostility toward another; adversary. [5 definitions]
energetic full of or displaying energy; active; vigorous. [2 definitions]
energy the power or capacity for activity. [4 definitions]
enforce to compel compliance with or obedience to. [3 definitions]
enforcement the act or process of enforcing.
Eng. abbreviation of "England" or "English."
engage to obtain or use the service of; employ. [11 definitions]
engaged busy; employed; involved. [4 definitions]