enemy |
one who hates or wants to harm another. [3 definitions] |
energetic |
full of energy; active. |
energy |
the power or ability to make something work or be active. [3 definitions] |
enforce |
to put in force; make people obey. |
enforcement |
the act or process of enforcing. |
Eng. |
abbreviation of "England," or "English." |
engage |
to get or use the service of; hire. [6 definitions] |
engaged |
keeping a promise and plan of marriage. |
engagement |
the act of engaging or state of being engaged. [3 definitions] |
engine |
a machine that uses energy from fuel or electricity to do work, such as to move. [2 definitions] |
engineer |
one who is trained in the use or design of machines or engines, or in other technologies. [2 definitions] |
engineering |
the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines. |
England |
the largest country on the island of Great Britain. |
English |
of or having to do with England, or its people. [4 definitions] |
English horn |
a woodwind instrument that looks like the oboe but is larger and lower in tone. |
Englishman |
a man who was born in or is a citizen of England. |
Englishwoman |
a woman who was born in or is a citizen of England. |
engrave |
to cut a design or lettering into. [2 definitions] |
engraving |
the act, art, or procedure of carving into a surface or engraving. [2 definitions] |
engross |
to take all the attention of; interest fully. |
engulf |
to cover entirely, as if by a flood. |