enormous |
very large in size or amount; huge. |
enough |
as much or as many as needed or required. [3 definitions] |
enquire |
another spelling of inquire. |
enrage |
to make very angry or furious; put into a rage. |
enrich |
to make wealthier or richer. [2 definitions] |
enroll |
to enlist or sign up officially. |
enrollment |
the act or process of becoming a member. [2 definitions] |
en route |
during the journey; on or along the way. |
ensign |
a flag, banner, or badge. [2 definitions] |
enslave |
to take away the freedom from (a person) and cause them to become a slave. The person who enslaves another considers the slave to be their property to do with what they wish, which typically means commanding them to work in a grueling manner. |
enslaved |
without liberty and considered the property of another. |
ensure |
to make sure or certain. [2 definitions] |
entangle |
to cause to be snarled or tangled. [2 definitions] |
enter |
to come or go in. [7 definitions] |
enterprise |
a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking. [2 definitions] |
enterprising |
willing to do things that require energy and imagination. |
entertain |
to amuse; keep interested. [3 definitions] |
entertainer |
one who entertains by performance, such as an actress, musician, or comedian. |
entertainment |
something that amuses or interests. [2 definitions] |
enthrall |
to hold the complete attention of; fascinate. |
enthusiasm |
a strong interest or excitement in connection with something. [2 definitions] |