entrance1 |
an act or instance of entering. [3 definitions] |
entrance2 |
to inspire a state of delight, trance, or enchantment in; charm; enrapture. |
entrant |
one who enters, as into a contest or an institution. |
entreat |
to beg (someone) for something, or to do something. [3 definitions] |
entrée |
the act or right of entering. [3 definitions] |
entrust |
to assign or hand over to someone, as for care, protection, or execution. [2 definitions] |
entry |
an act or instance of entering; entrance. [7 definitions] |
enunciate |
to pronounce (words), esp. in a clear and distinct voice. [3 definitions] |
envelop |
to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround. |
envelope |
a folded paper wrapper made to enclose an object such as a letter, esp. for mailing. [2 definitions] |
enviable |
worthy of being envied or desired. |
envious |
showing or feeling envy. |
environment |
the sum of things, circumstances, and conditions that surround one and may have an effect on one; surroundings. [3 definitions] |
environmental |
of or pertaining to the natural environment, and esp. to the ecological effects of altering it or attempts made to protect it. [3 definitions] |
envy |
the desire for someone else's possessions, advantages, or qualities, or the feeling of resentment or unhappiness that accompanies this feeling. [4 definitions] |
enzyme |
any of a large number of proteins that act as catalysts for chemical reactions within living things. |
eon |
in geology, the longest division of time, encompassing two or more eras. [2 definitions] |
epic |
referring or pertaining to a long poem that celebrates a hero or heroes and recounts their deeds in a grand style. [5 definitions] |
epicenter |
the point on the earth's surface directly above the central source of an earthquake. |
epidemic |
spreading rapidly to a great many individuals in a locality, as a contagious disease. [4 definitions] |
epilepsy |
a nervous system disorder that causes repeated lapses in physical or mental function, often including convulsions and unconsciousness. |