ex-1 |
a prefix that means "out of" or "from." [2 definitions] |
exact |
having no mistakes; correct. [3 definitions] |
exacting |
strict in making demands. [2 definitions] |
exactly |
in a correct or accurate way. [3 definitions] |
exaggerate |
to present as larger, more important, or more valuable. [2 definitions] |
exam |
(informal) an examination, such as a test given at school or a physical checkup by a doctor. |
examination |
the act of examining; inspection. [2 definitions] |
examine |
to look at closely and carefully. [2 definitions] |
example |
something that shows what a group of things is like. [4 definitions] |
exasperate |
to bother or annoy to the point of causing anger. |
excavate |
to make a hole or hollow place in by digging. [2 definitions] |
exceed |
to go beyond or do more than. [2 definitions] |
exceedingly |
in a way that exceeds the usual; very; extremely. |
excel |
to do or perform better than others. |
excellence |
the condition of being very good or outstanding. |
excellent |
very good or much better than others. |
except |
apart from; not including; but. [3 definitions] |
exception |
the act or fact of leaving out. [2 definitions] |
exceptional |
different, unusual, or out of the ordinary. [2 definitions] |
excerpt |
a short section taken from a play, film, or written work. [2 definitions] |
excess |
an amount that is more than what is needed. [2 definitions] |