excite |
to stimulate or cause to be aroused or agitated. [5 definitions] |
excited |
aroused to a condition of excitement; thrilled; agitated. |
excitement |
a state or display of heightened emotion or activity. [2 definitions] |
exciting |
causing excitement, arousal, or agitation. |
exclaim |
to speak suddenly and vehemently, with or as if with surprise or emotion. [2 definitions] |
exclamation |
the act of exclaiming; an abrupt or vehement utterance. [2 definitions] |
exclamation mark |
a punctuation mark (!) used after a word or words that express surprise or command, make an emphatic declaration, or the like; exclamation point. |
exclamation point |
a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation (e.g., "It's hot!"), interjection (e.g., "Hey!"), or command (e.g., "Come here!"); exclamation mark. |
exclude |
to leave out; omit; keep out. [2 definitions] |
exclusive |
leaving out. [5 definitions] |
exclusively |
with all others left out or not included; only; solely. |
excrete |
to discharge or eliminate (wastes and harmful materials) from the body. |
excruciating |
extremely painful or intensely distressing; agonizing. [2 definitions] |
excursion |
a short journey undertaken for a specific purpose. [3 definitions] |
excuse |
to pardon or overlook. [11 definitions] |
execute |
to carry out or make real; do; accomplish. [4 definitions] |
execution |
the process of putting into effect. [4 definitions] |
executive |
a person in authority within a corporation, government, or other organization; one who is responsible for managing or directing. [5 definitions] |
exempt |
to release from an obligation generally required of others. [3 definitions] |
exercise |
mental or physical activity undertaken to maintain or increase ability or strength. [10 definitions] |
exert |
to exercise or bring to bear (power, influence, or the like); put into action. [2 definitions] |