explode |
to burst because of too much pressure inside. [3 definitions] |
exploit1 |
a deed of daring or courage. |
exploit2 |
to make full use of and gain from. [2 definitions] |
exploration |
the act of investigating or examining. [2 definitions] |
explore |
to travel across or through in order to discover or search for something. [2 definitions] |
explorer |
a person who explores an area that is not known. |
explosion |
the act of bursting or the noise made by bursting. [2 definitions] |
explosive |
able to cause an explosion. [3 definitions] |
export |
to send to another country to sell. [2 definitions] |
expose |
to uncover or reveal. [5 definitions] |
exposition |
a statement with many details that is used to explain something. [2 definitions] |
exposure |
a showing or revealing of something, often a thing that is secret, private, or against the law. [6 definitions] |
express |
to make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings). [5 definitions] |
expression |
the act of telling or showing thoughts or feelings. [4 definitions] |
expressive |
full of feeling or meaning. |
expressway |
a highway with many lanes and few stops that lets traffic move quickly. |
exquisite |
very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way. |
extend |
to make longer in size; make last longer. [3 definitions] |
extension |
the act of extending or condition of being extended. [3 definitions] |
extensive |
reaching or extending very far. [2 definitions] |
extent |
the area or amount to which something extends; reach or range. [2 definitions] |