expressive |
full of feeling or meaning. |
expressway |
a highway with many lanes and few stops that lets traffic move quickly. |
exquisite |
very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way. |
extend |
to make longer in size; make last longer. [3 definitions] |
extension |
the act of extending or condition of being extended. [3 definitions] |
extensive |
reaching or extending very far. [2 definitions] |
extent |
the area or amount to which something extends; reach or range. [2 definitions] |
exterior |
on or having to do with the outside; outer. [3 definitions] |
exterminate |
to get rid of by destroying; wipe out. |
external |
of the outside or outer part. |
extinct |
no longer existing. [2 definitions] |
extinction |
the act or process of disappearing forever or coming to a complete end, or the act or process of making something cease to exist or function. |
extinguish |
to put out; stop the burning of. [2 definitions] |
extra |
more than is expected or usual. [4 definitions] |
extra- |
a prefix that means "beyond" or "outside." |
extract |
to take out by using force; remove. [2 definitions] |
extraordinary |
very unusual; far beyond the ordinary. [2 definitions] |
extraterrestrial |
existing or coming from a place outside planet Earth. |
extravagance |
the act of spending too much money or spending money in a foolish way. [2 definitions] |
extravagant |
spending too much; spending in a foolish or careless way. [2 definitions] |
extreme |
at the farthest point of something. [5 definitions] |