exterior |
on or related to the outside or outer side. [5 definitions] |
exterminate |
to get rid of by totally destroying; eradicate; wipe out. |
external |
of the outside or outer part; being outside. [6 definitions] |
extinct |
no longer existing, as an animal species. [3 definitions] |
extinction |
the act or process of becoming or making extinct, or of being ended or putting an end to. [2 definitions] |
extinguish |
to put out (a fire, flame, or light). [4 definitions] |
extra |
more than is expected or usual. [8 definitions] |
extra- |
beyond; outside. |
extract |
to remove or take out by use of force. [9 definitions] |
extraordinary |
far beyond the usual or ordinary. [2 definitions] |
extraterrestrial |
outside of, or from beyond, the Earth. [2 definitions] |
extravagance |
the act or an instance of spending excessively or imprudently. [3 definitions] |
extravagant |
spending excessively or imprudently, or characterized by such spending. [3 definitions] |
extreme |
at the most distant point or outer limit of. [7 definitions] |
extremely |
in a great degree; very. |
extremity |
the farthest reach or point of a thing. [4 definitions] |
extrovert |
one whose interest and attention are directed to the world outside the self (Cf. introvert.) [2 definitions] |
eye |
the organ of sight and the area close around it, including the lids, lashes, and brow. [9 definitions] |
eyeball |
the ball-shaped part of the eye, or the whole eye. [2 definitions] |
eyebrow |
the bony ridge protruding above the eye. [2 definitions] |
eyedropper |
a small glass tube used to apply drops, esp. of medication, to the eyes. |