facsimile |
an exact copy or duplicate of something printed or of a picture. [2 definitions] |
fact |
something known or proved to be true. [2 definitions] |
factor |
something that has an influence on something that happens or is one of the causes of it. [3 definitions] |
factory |
a building or set of buildings where products are made by machines. |
factual |
containing facts; true. |
faculty |
an ability or talent for doing a particular thing. [3 definitions] |
fad |
something that is liked by many people for a short amount of time. |
fade |
to lose color. [4 definitions] |
Fahrenheit |
relating to a temperature scale on which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. (abbreviated: F) |
fail |
to not do or not succeed in doing; be unable. [7 definitions] |
failure |
the act of not succeeding or not doing. [4 definitions] |
faint |
weak or slight. [4 definitions] |
fair1 |
without showing favor and without allowing an advantage for one side over another; just. [7 definitions] |
fair2 |
a gathering at which farm animals and farm produce are shown and judged. A fair is usually held over several days and includes games and amusements. [2 definitions] |
fairground |
(often plural) an open, flat space where fairs are held. |
fairly |
in a just or honest way. [3 definitions] |
fairy |
an imaginary tiny creature in human form, thought to have magic powers. |
fairy tale |
a story that tells of magical events and creatures in a make-believe world. The stories usually take place in an imaginary past time and often involve characters such as knights and kings and princesses. |
faith |
trust or confidence. [3 definitions] |
faithful |
able to be trusted or relied on. [2 definitions] |
fake |
to make a false copy of. [5 definitions] |