factor |
something that has an influence on or is a partial cause of something that happens. [4 definitions] |
factory |
a building or set of buildings where products are manufactured. |
factual |
of or relating to fact. [2 definitions] |
faculty |
capacity or ability, as to do a certain task or to think in a certain way. [3 definitions] |
fad |
a fashion or behavior taken up briefly but enthusiastically; craze. |
fade |
to lose color or brightness gradually; dim. [6 definitions] |
Fahrenheit |
of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F) |
fail |
to be or become ineffective or unsuccessful; be lacking in an effort or attempt. [10 definitions] |
failure |
the act or result of failing. [5 definitions] |
faint |
weak, feeble, or slight. [5 definitions] |
fair1 |
without bias, or without allowing a greater advantage for one side over another; just. [12 definitions] |
fair2 |
a gathering at which farm animals and farm produce are judged, usu. held over several days and including games and amusements. [3 definitions] |
fairground |
(often pl.) an open, flat space where fairs, carnivals, and exhibitions are held, esp. an area maintained and equipped for this purpose. |
fairly |
in a just or impartial manner. [3 definitions] |
fairy |
an imaginary tiny creature in human form, thought to possess supernatural powers that can change the course of human affairs. [2 definitions] |
fairy tale |
a fictitious, sometimes incredible, imaginative story, often involving giants, ogres, elves, or other magical creatures and characters. [2 definitions] |
faith |
belief, confidence, or trust. [5 definitions] |
faithful |
fulfilling one's duty or obligations in life. [7 definitions] |
fake |
to create a counterfeit of; falsify. [8 definitions] |
falcon |
any of several birds of prey, related to hawks, that hunt during the day and have long powerful wings and a hooked beak. |
fall |
to drop downward or to a lower position; descend. [19 definitions] |