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fairy an imaginary tiny creature in human form, thought to have magic powers.
fairy tale a story that tells of magical events and creatures in a make-believe world. The stories usually take place in an imaginary past time and often involve characters such as knights and kings and princesses.
faith trust or confidence. [3 definitions]
faithful able to be trusted or relied on. [2 definitions]
fake to make a false copy of. [5 definitions]
falcon a bird with long, powerful wings and a hooked beak. Falcons are related to hawks. They hunt other animals for food during the day.
fall to drop downward from a higher place; descend. [10 definitions]
fall asleep to begin the process of sleep.
fall back on to have another choice if something does not work out; resort to.
fall behind to not keep up with; lag behind.
fallen past participle of "fall." [3 definitions]
fall in love to begin to have strong feelings of romantic love (often followed by "with").
fallout the radioactive particles that fall from a nuclear explosion.
fallow plowed but not planted with seeds. [2 definitions]
fall under to be put or classed in a group as; included in.
false not true or not correct. [3 definitions]
falsehood a lie.
falter to move, speak, or act in a way that is not sure or not steady; stumble. [2 definitions]
fame the condition of being well known or respected by a great number of people.
familiar known by many people; easily recognized. [3 definitions]
family a group made up of a parent or parents and their children. [5 definitions]