fantastic |
wildly imaginative or outlandish; fanciful; exaggerated. [5 definitions] |
fantasy |
imagination or something imagined, esp. if fanciful, exaggerated, or bizarre. [5 definitions] |
far |
at or to a great distance in space or time. [5 definitions] |
far and wide |
over great distances. |
faraway |
distant or remote. [2 definitions] |
fare |
the price paid to ride on commercial transportation, such as a bus, train, or airplane, or a passenger paying such a charge. [5 definitions] |
farewell |
may you fare well; good-bye and good wishes. [5 definitions] |
farm |
a parcel of land and the buildings on it used for agricultural activities. [5 definitions] |
farmer |
one who operates a farm. |
farmers' market |
a public market at which farmers sell fresh produce directly to consumers, and which often includes other vendors who sell handcrafted products. |
farming |
the business or practice of raising crops and livestock. |
farmland |
an area of land capable of being cultivated. |
Farsi |
the language of Iran and part of Afghanistan; modern Persian. |
farsighted |
able to see objects clearly in the distance, and not so clearly close at hand. [2 definitions] |
farther |
a comparative of "far." [4 definitions] |
farthest |
a superlative of "far." [4 definitions] |
fascinate |
to capture and hold the attention and interest of; spellbind. [3 definitions] |
fascinated |
extremely charmed or interested; enchanted. |
fascinating |
capable of capturing one's intense interest and attention; enchanting; spellbinding. |
fashion |
(prec. by "the") the style of dress or conduct in current favor. [7 definitions] |
fashionable |
conforming to current trends or styles. [2 definitions] |