fascinate |
to attract and hold the attention and interest of. |
fascinated |
extremely charmed or interested. |
fascinating |
extremely interesting or enchanting; spellbinding. |
fashion |
the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular. [3 definitions] |
fashionable |
conforming to what is currently in style. |
fast1 |
moving or operating with speed. [9 definitions] |
fast2 |
to eat no food. [3 definitions] |
fasten |
to join or attach firmly to something else or in place. [3 definitions] |
fastener |
a device that joins together or fastens. |
fast-food |
selling food that is quickly made and served. |
fat |
a white or yellow oily substance found in some parts of animals or plants. Fat is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. [4 definitions] |
fatal |
causing death. [2 definitions] |
fat chance |
slight or no chance. |
fate |
the power that is often believed to decide what will happen in human life or history. [3 definitions] |
father |
a male parent. [3 definitions] |
father-in-law |
the father of a person's wife or husband. |
Father's Day |
a holiday in the United States that honors fathers, celebrated every year on the third Sunday in June. People often give gifts to their fathers on this day. |
fathom |
a unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of water or mines. [2 definitions] |
fatigue |
the condition of being tired in body or mind. [2 definitions] |
fatten |
to make fat. [2 definitions] |
faucet |
a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container; tap. |