fat chance |
slight or no chance. |
fate |
the power that is often believed to decide what will happen in human life or history. [3 definitions] |
father |
a male parent. [3 definitions] |
father-in-law |
the father of a person's wife or husband. |
Father's Day |
a holiday in the United States that honors fathers, celebrated every year on the third Sunday in June. People often give gifts to their fathers on this day. |
fathom |
a unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of water or mines. [2 definitions] |
fatigue |
the condition of being tired in body or mind. [2 definitions] |
fatten |
to make fat. [2 definitions] |
faucet |
a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container; tap. |
fault |
something wrong with a thing or person that causes problems for someone or something else. [4 definitions] |
fauna |
animals generally, or all the animals that live in a particular place. The word "fauna" contrasts with the word "flora," which refers to plants only. |
favor |
a kind or helpful act. [6 definitions] |
favorable |
giving a benefit or advantage; helpful. [3 definitions] |
favorite |
a person or thing treated with special favor. [3 definitions] |
favour |
a spelling of "favor" used in Canada and Britain. See "favor." |
favourable |
a spelling of "favorable" used in Canada and Britain. See "favorable." |
favourite |
a spelling of "favorite" used in Canada and Britain. See "favorite." |
fawn1 |
a young deer, especially one that is still drinking its mother's milk. |
fax |
a machine for sending and receiving pages that are transmitted electronically over telephone lines to or from another such machine. "Fax" is short for "facsimile." [3 definitions] |
the U.S. government agency responsible for investigating crimes against national laws. "FBI" is an abbreviation of "Federal Bureau of Investigation." |
Fe |
symbol of the chemical element iron. |