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female any human being or animal of the sex that produces eggs or conceives and bears young. [4 definitions]
feminine of or relating to a woman or girl; of the female sex. [4 definitions]
fence a structure made of stone, wire, wood, or other material, that serves to define boundaries of property or to prevent entry into or escape from the area it surrounds. [5 definitions]
fencing the art, sport, or practice of sparring with swords or swordlike instruments. [3 definitions]
fender a usu. metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, bicycle, or the like. [5 definitions]
ferment any of various substances, such as an enzyme or yeast, that cause fermentation. [8 definitions]
fermentation the chemical act or process, caused by a fermenting agent, of converting a carbohydrate into alcohol, acids, and other compounds, as yeast converts the sugar in grape juice into alcohol, producing wine. [2 definitions]
fern any of several flowerless, seedless plants having green, feathery leaves.
ferocious cruelly savage; fierce. [2 definitions]
ferret a domesticated, usu. albino variety of the European polecat, used in hunting rabbits, rats, and the like. [5 definitions]
Ferris wheel (sometimes l.c.) a ride, as at a carnival or amusement park, consisting of a very large upright power-driven wheel with partially enclosed seats that are suspended between two parallel rims.
ferry a boat or ship used to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel. [6 definitions]
fertile producing or able to produce abundant growth of farm crops or other vegetation. [4 definitions]
fertilize to cause the fertilization of. [3 definitions]
fertilizer an organic or inorganic substance added to soil to improve plant production or growth. [2 definitions]
festival a day or more of celebration to commemorate a notable occasion, such as a religious holiday. [4 definitions]
festive of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or celebration. [2 definitions]
festivity joyous celebration, or an occasion of feasting and celebration; festival. [3 definitions]
fetch to go for (something) and bring back, or cause (a person) to come; get. [5 definitions]
feud a deep, long-lasting hostility, esp. between families or other related groups, and sometimes with outbreaks of violence. [3 definitions]
feudalism a system of economic and political organization, as in Europe in the Middle Ages, in which landholding lords granted lands to vassals in return for service and homage.