fingernail |
a hard, clear piece that grows at the end of the finger. |
fingerprint |
a mark made by the tip of a finger on an object that it has touched. Police and hospital records keep fingerprints made by a finger dipped in ink. These are used for identification, because no two people have the same fingerprint. [2 definitions] |
finish |
to reach or cause the end of; complete. [5 definitions] |
finished |
completed; ended. |
finish line |
a line that marks the end of a race. The first person who crosses the finish line in a race is the winner. |
Finland |
a country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. |
Finn |
a person who was born in or is a citizen of Finland. |
Finnish |
the main language of Finland. [2 definitions] |
fiord |
another spelling of fjord. |
fir |
a type of evergreen tree. Fir trees bear cones and are related to the pines. There are many different kinds of firs. |
fire |
the heat, light, and flames produced by burning. [9 definitions] |
fire alarm |
a device that gives off a noise to signal that a fire is occurring. |
firearm |
a small gun, such as a pistol or rifle. |
firecracker |
a small paper tube filled with gunpowder, which explodes and makes a loud noise when it is set on fire. Firecrackers are sometimes used during celebrations. |
fire department |
a part of a city or town government that works to prevent and put out fires, or the people who work for it. |
fire engine |
a large truck that carries firefighters and their tools to a fire. Fire engines usually have a ladder and a pump for spraying water or chemicals used to put out fires. |
fire escape |
a metal staircase or ladder used as an emergency exit in case of fire. Fire escapes are usually on the outside of buildings. |
fire extinguisher |
a container for chemicals that can be sprayed on a fire to put it out. |
firefighter |
someone who fights fires, either for pay or as a volunteer. |
firefly |
an insect whose lower body flashes with light at night. A firefly is a kind of beetle. |
firehouse |
a building in which equipment for fighting fires is kept and where firefighters meet; fire station. |